Infrastructure services company Ventia has stepped up again to support Te Hōnonga a Iwi Restoring Rosedale Park, removing about 300 wilding shea oaks and clearing a 70-square-metre area to be planted in natives.
Project co-ordinator Nicky Shave says the trees were chopped up into firewood for the local community.
Ventia has been supporting the restoration since it began in 2022. Initially, it helped transport recycled water from a Watercare site to the park to ensure a constant supply for the bioreactors.
Last year, the company mowed the 2023 planting site ahead of the planting season, clearing the way for our volunteers to collect mulch from the 2000-square-metre area to transform it into organic compost in the bioreactors.
Once the mulch was removed, the site was planted with natives.
Ventia is a fantastic corporate partner, Nicky says. “They have been so responsive to our requests for investment.”
Ventia’s Matt Scott, the Project Director for the company’s Auckland Council contract, says the restoration is one of the best community initiatives in the Upper Harbour Local Board area, and his team is very proud to be a key partner in its success.
“We love how it is adopting low-impact solutions, such as using recycled water and chickens instead of machines or chemicals for land clearance and weed control.
“It epitomises Ventia’s broad-ranging view of what sustainability is.”
Matt says the collaboration also strengthens Ventia’s relationship with local iwi, creating a lasting social and environmental legacy.
“It’s a living example of Ventia’s commitment to sustainability, providing social value, and honouring Māori culture and iwi environmental stewardship. It showcases our focus on innovative, low-carbon solutions, ecological restoration, and community partnerships.”
He says that involvement with projects like this enhances Ventia’s reputation as a leader in culturally aware, sustainable development and community engagement.
If your organisation would like to support our restoration project, get in touch with Nicky at